Mycterothrips auratus Wang, 1999
和名: -
本種は雌雄異形で、オスの触角第6節はM. consociatusやM. egonokiのように長く発達し、第1~5節を足した長さの1.2–1.4倍の長さ。台湾から記載され、その後、Masumoto & Okajima (2024)が南大東島、沖縄本島、久米島、西表島から記録した。腹部背板の側部に多数の微刺を備えること、オスの触角第6節が非常に長くなることで、東南アジアに広く分布するM. nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan, 1960)に似るがメスは腹部腹板の後縁近くに1対(時に1又は3本)の副刺毛を持つことで識別される。一方、オスでは両種の識別は難しい。寄主植物は不明だが、Morus属(クワ科)の葉から得られている。
M. auratus indicates sexial dimorphisum: male antennal segment VI is elongate and much longer than that of female such as M. consociatus and M. egonoki, and 1.2–1.4 times as long as combined length of segments I-V. This species was collected from Taiwan. Thereafter, Masumoto & Okajima (2024) recorded from Ryukyus, Japan. Their host plant is unknown but it has been collected from leaves of Morus [Moraceae]. It is very similar to M. nilgiriensis (Ananthakrishnan, 1960) widely distributed into Southeast Asia by having abdominal tergites laterally with ciliate microtrichia in female and elongate antennal segment VI in male. However, this species can be distinguished from the latter species by having abdominal sternites with a pair (rarely only one or three) discal setae in female although the latter species has no sternal discal setae. In contrast, both species can not be distinguished each other satisfactorily in male.
Female, slide-mounted specimen
Male, slide-mounted specimen